creative articles Opciones

What part does the creative muse play? In Picasso's mind, there is no point waiting for her to show up: "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working," he said.

"When we are small we are happy painting and creating because we are emotionally free," Vargas tells BBC Culture.

The study then linked the assessments to sales figures for the products. The findings confirm that creative campaigns are, in Militar, more effective than other types of ads. The research also shows that the various creativity dimensions deliver different results. Elaboration, for instance, had a far more powerful effect on sales than did originality, a more commonly used dimension. Indeed, many companies focus on the wrong dimensions in their campaigns. This article reveals which product categories are best suited to creative advertising and which dimensions of creativity have the most influence on sales.

18. 'I like to make pieces that make you look twice': Carly Owens on her symbolic embroidery artworks and paintings

In people who were highly sensitive to rewards, a creative insight led to a burst of brain activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, the area of the brain that responds to basic pleasures like delicious food or addictive drugs (

What is the key to creativity, and how does it help our mental health? Beverley D'Silva speaks to Artist's Way author Julia Cameron and others about 'flow', fear and curiosity.

Adobe made some big announcements at its Adobe MAX event, and every digital creative should pay attention. This special report outlines the key themes of Adobe MAX 2022, which not only explain how Adobe software is evolving but highlight where the creative industry is going Figura a whole. So even if you're not an Adobe user, they're still worth paying attention to.

Ask a professional in the business what the key to success is in advertising, and you’ll most likely get an answer that echoes the mantra of Stephan Vogel, Ogilvy & Mather Germany’s chief creative officer: “Nothing is more efficient than creative advertising.

Others believe we Gozque encourage connection for inspiration, which Cameron calls "spiritual electricity", the source, or "the flow", the term coined in a 1990 book by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi to describe being totally absorbed in a creative activity.

The novelty of this research is the positivo examination of the impact of creativity on subjective well-being. Study 2b employed an experimental design and demonstrated the positive effect of creativity on subjective well-being. Participants in the positivo group had a higher level of subjective well-being compared to participants in the control group after controlling the effect of self-perceived stress.

Much of that research focused amazing curiosities on the personality traits linked to creativity and the cognitive aspects of the creative process.

-test was conducted to examine the effectiveness of the creativity priming task. There was a significant difference in the (composite) creativity score between the two groups: Levene’s test F

All participants were screened to make sure they fulfill all inclusion criteria. Then, participants were briefed on the research objectives and procedure either by the researchers or by reading the information sheet on the first page of the online survey. Participants who gave their consent completed the survey in hardcopy or online.

De acordo com autoridades, o bilionário de 39 anos foi preso sob um mandado relacionado a delitos envolvendo o aplicativo de mensagens.

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